Welcome to the case study of Bestie Buffalo, your personal chatbot companion. In this study, we will explore the features, benefits, and the impact of Bestie on your daily wellness routine.
Bestie Buffalo is designed to help you manage stress and enhance your self-awareness. It guides you through a daily wellness routine, capturing the highest and lowest moments of your day and providing a space to share your thoughts and feelings.
Bestie Buffalo empowers users to take charge of their mental and emotional well-being. By capturing daily moments and providing insights, it helps users identify patterns and make positive changes in their lives.
The initial workflows of Bestie Buffalo were fairly vague, merely a draft of an idea.
For privacy reasons, I imagined the bot requiring a secure login as the content shared by the users could be sensitive and deeply personal.
However, the fun part was the gameplay loop of the daily interaction.
The idea of having a daily journaling helper that cared...
I opted for a flat simplistic style to keep it manageable if I decided to animate some.
I also enjoyed the style, it reminds me of some older cartoons.
I kept it simple with 3 fairly similar heads, modifying the eyes, eyebrows and mouth and 2 tails to achieve 3 reactions for the MVP.